
The 14th Bud Pig Cup 2023 is here!




·        Discussion with Simon Talbot (AU) about “How to become a better UWH referee!?” on Friday at the accommodation from 6 pm!!!

·        New location for the party -restaurant ŠNYT!!! (see below)

What you will find attached to this email: a map with everything 😊, the accommodation form, and the disclaimer (we will ask you for them at the registration), an invitation to the discussion with Simon Talbot, 3 water referee system, party theme pictures, and a list of the teams.

You can fill in all the documents in advance to save time during the registration or check-in to the hostel.


Holečkova 2, České Budějovice,

                                                 GPS: 48°58’47.381″N, 14°28’10.959″E

                                                 (Parking is available inside the accommodation holding)

check-inFriday 21st April from 3 pm,

· prepare the accommodation form with your ID/ passport numbers in advance for faster check-in to the hostel

check-outSunday 23rd April, at 11 am (please, don’t leave your car parked inside after 11 am!!!)

Tournament program:

Registration:        Friday 21st, 8 pm – 9 pm at the accommodation

                                Saturday 22nd, 7 am – 7:30 am at the pool

(Enter the pool and go straight ahead upstairs)

· prepare the disclaimer form that will be required for your registration

· captains, please, collect all the money from your team in advance (registration fee: 150 EUR, accommodation fee: 20 EUR/ person/ night, party: 20 EUR/ person)

· Access to the pool:                7:30 am.

· Referees meeting                  7:45 am.

–         A little bit of bureaucracy plus some additional info about the day

· Captains meeting:                  8:00 am.

 – detail information about the run of the tournament  

Tournament STARTS8:30 am

· Each game will last 10 min. There will be 2 min break in between games.

· We will run 3 water referee system on BPC 2023 (okaz na dokument). We will provide one professional referee per game; however, we would like to ask you to provide one player as a referee after each game. Please be sure your water referee is familiar with 3 water referee system!!!

  • Mix teams play in the Open division. Youth teams (under 14) play in the Ladies‘ division.
  • Please check the score immediately after the game!

Tournament ENDS:    7:00 pm.

Dinner :

 Restaurant Šnyt will be open for you from 7:00 pm. You can get your dinner immediately when you arrive, there is no need to wait. The prizegiving ceremony will start at appx 9 pm.

ŠNYT Lidická tř. 134/9, České Budějovice 7, 370 01 České Budějovice (see the attached map)

Life music with Roadwork band (http://roadwork.webzdarma.cz/index-english.html)